Crossing the Road

Crossing the Road (even when you can’t leave home) Nancy pointed out something interesting about the good Samaritan. While the religious Jews walked down the other side of the road, the Samaritan crossed the road. Jesus said “He went to him” (Luke 10:34). Loving your neighbor means that sometimes you have to exit your path […]

Thoughts from Pastor Mark after the Recent Synagogue Shooting

Dear New Life, Something happened recently that I think is worthy of a few comments from your pastor.  I’m talking about the startling reality of terrorism in the name of Christ. On April 27th, John Earnest entered the Chabad of Poway synagogue in southern California.  Armed, this 19-year old man shot and killed one person […]

Announcing The Life Course

How should we live life?  What is true?  What really matters? When questions like these are asked, sooner or later we begin talking about God.  (Hopefully sooner rather than later!)  God must have some very important things to say about life since He created it.  He created you and me. Jesus said two things about life immediately […]

Why is your life better with Jesus in it ?

Last Sunday was the membership class for students in junior and senior high school. It’s one of my favorite classes to teach. In our study guide, we’re reminded that membership has a long history dating back to when Abraham was called by God. It’s much the same today. We respond by faith to God’s rescuing […]

Sharing the Gospel

On most Friday and Sunday nights, you’ll find me hanging out with our students here at New Life. The pattern is the same on both nights; we hang out as a big group for a while and then break out into smaller D-Groups. If you’re not familiar with D-Groups, it’s short for Discipleship Groups. Here, […]

Walking Through the Door

I am always “walking into” things, not being sure what I’m going to encounter. You are too. (Imagine an automatic sliding door that opens before you as you walk toward it…but there are no windows through which you may have an advance warning of what to expect.) As a pastor, I make hospital visits, and […]

How should a parent respond to their teenager sexting?

“We are pleased to pass along some very important thoughts from Nicholas Black. Nicholas is currently on Session as a Ruling Elder at New Life and served for years as our Director of Children’s Ministry. He is on staff of Harvest USA, a vitally important ministry to those affected by sexual sin.” – Steve Smallman […]

Irresistible Profanity

Dad attended Kiowa High, a small town high school on the plains of Colorado. At Dad’s 70th (!) class gathering, he got a standing ovation. He told the story of a man who had missed class reunions for decades. When he finally went, he wasn’t sure he would know anyone. But then, in the corner […]

Sex & Sexuality A Church-wide Discussion

Life is full, isn’t it?  Often, in a good way.  It’s good to work hard, it’s good to occupy your time and energy with family life, to volunteer hours in the community, to maintain the home God’s given you.  But that leaves many of us sleep-deprived and a little the worse for wear.  And here’s […]

Paul Miller’s, A Loving Life – A Must Read

Greetings from sunny Florida (it actually rained all day yesterday, but compared to Philly weather I can’t complain). Once we settled in for a few weeks break, one of my first projects was to read Paul Miller’s latest book, A Loving Life-In a World of Broken Relationships. I confess I did this out of personal […]