Men’s Retreat

Men's Retreat 2024

Join us November 15-17, 2024 at Camp Conquest!

Register by Sunday, November 3

Spaces are limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

Finishing Well: Closing Life’s Significant Chapters

What happened to the man named Demas?

The Apostle Paul descibed him as a fellow worker (Philemon 24), but the last word we hear about this man is sobering:

“Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me and gone to Thessalonica.” (2 Timothy 4:10)

Here were two men who had ministered together — Paul and Demas — mentor and mentee. One endured and finished the race and looked forward to the crown of righteousness. The other man peeled off, deserted his mentor, and was never heard from again.

So, how can we finish well like Paul? Our main speaker, Steve DeMoss, believes there are four fundamental actions we can take to help us finish well.


COST: $170 (Scholarships available. Speak with Mark Moser or Nelson Shane.)

Pay online at this link
Pay by check. Make check payable to New Life Church (indicate Men’s Retreat on the memo line) and submit a registration form (tear-off portion of the flyer available in the Hub).

Please bring your own towels; pillow; and sheets, blankets, or a sleeping bag.

Our Speakers:

Steve DeMoss (main speaker)

As a young man, Steve heard a refugee from Uganda speak at New Life Glenside, pleading for help to ‘rebuild’ his country. Pastor Jack Miller led several young men, including Steve, to this war-torn country, which has ultimately led to 88+ new churches. After three years, Steve returned stateside to complete two college degrees. Steve leads a painting crew in the US, but has continued work in Uganda, bringing teams to preach, teach, build schools and clinics, lead business seminars, and much more. Steve welcomes all who feel led to prayerfully consider joining the effort of bringing Christ by both WORDS and DEEDS to the land Winston Churchill once called “the pearl of Africa.”


Jim Bergwall

Jim is an Elder at Liberti Riverwards, and a long-time recipient of God’s Grace and Goodness at the New Life Glenside Saturday Men’s Meeting.


Mark Moser

Mark is the current pastor of New Life Glenside.


I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
2 Timothy 4:7

Camp Conquest:     480 Forest Rd., Denver, PA 17517    |   717-336-2541   |