Women’s Weekend

Women's Weekend 2025

Join us May 2-4, 2025 at Harvey Cedars Bible Conference

Register by Sunday, April 6. Accommodations are first come, first served.

Join us for a weekend digging in to God’s word together and growing in community!

Each year, the women of New Life Glenside (+ family and friends who would like to come!) spend a weekend together, composed of time in the Word and in worship as well as opportunities to build community in small group activities and discussions.

Our time together for the 2025 Women’s Weekend begins Friday evening, May 2, and runs through Sunday afternoon, May 4.

The Treasures Within: Unsearchable Riches in Christ

Have you been living victoriously, walking this earth with complete contentment as you follow Christ? Or have you felt the weight of living as earthen vessels – often strained and tired, exhausted by the cares of this world? What dreams and hopes have you chased after, leaving you drained and joyless? Have you been yearning for more of Christ in you these days? How does your faith infuse your life? How can you learn to live more fully by faith?

Come and get away with other sisters in Christ as speaker Freda Rawlings guides our search together for “hidden treasures.” Let’s rediscover together some of God’s unsearchable riches in Christ. As a body, we avail ourselves of indescribable wealth that fills us with victory in Him! Worship leader: Heather Rice.

Brochures are now available on the table in The Hub.

Contact for more information: Deborah Deaton

Featured Speakers

Freda Rawlings





And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28