Crossing the Road
Crossing the Road (even when you can’t leave home) Nancy pointed out something interesting about the good Samaritan. While the religious Jews walked down the other side of the road, the Samaritan crossed the road. Jesus said “He went to him” (Luke 10:34). Loving your neighbor means that sometimes you have to exit your path […]
Remember visiting New Life for the first time?
I recently had the opportunity to visit a local church for a conference, and I noted my experience through the entire visiting process. I don’t think I’m that shy or anxious of a person, but neither am I exactly fearless. From the time I entered the parking lot I noticed that I felt somewhat comfortable […]
Where Is My Neighbor
If you are hard-pressed to name a friend (a neighbor you see fairly often) who does not know Jesus then I would challenge you to ask the questions: Where is my neighbor? and then: Where can I alter my path?
Who is my neighbor?
The two greatest commandments are: “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbor as yourself.” (Matt 10:27) This is what Jesus lived and what we are called to live. So, who is my neighbor and what does it mean to love him?
Countercultural for the Common Good: The Recent Cheltenham High School Events
You might remember that we started this calendar year with a sermon series entitled “Countercultural for the Common Good.” What does countercultural mean? It means we’re different, and this for a simple reason: Christ has called us to follow him. So we cannot give ourselves to the American dream and its promise of the good long life. […]
Racial Reconciliation in Our Denomination (PCA)
Especially in light of the recent tragic shootings, it seemed worthwhile to tell you all about the PCA’s recent statement on racial reconciliation. Each year the Presbyterian Church in America, the denomination to which New Life belongs, holds a General Assembly (GA). This year’s gathering took place in June in Mobile, Alabama, and Steve Smallman […]
New Life Glenside honored by the Abington Community Taskforce
At its annual banquet on Thursday, April 24, the Abington Community Taskforce honored New Life with its Citizens That Care Recognition Award for “Phenomenal Community Outreach.” We also received at the same time certificates of commendation from the Abington Township Commissioners and from the Montgomery County Commissioners, as well as a citation from the House […]